
They make outstanding mothers, easy lambing, milky, strong quick lambs, brilliant feet, and amazing ability to jump! Rouge x Texel or Beltex make in my mind an exceptional commercial ewe.

We use Rouge for their early cycling, great mothering ability and milk traits. Our Rouge cross Texel ewes are a great cross, suitable to go with various terminal sires. The Rams from this cross are also highly sought after by our customers for commercial flocks.

You have got to love Rouge!!!  Pedigree rouge gimmer lambed outside this am about half four with a bitterly cold east wind. Twin pure very bare lambs up suckled and happy and then went to work at half six to find four mules out of Blackies could not even stand up to the cold.

Rouge ram on a mule ewe born with plenty of jacket and shape.

Loving my mule x rouge born in the last few days.  Looking forward to seeing what the Blackies throw.

Rou-teX lambs born about an hour ago, up, sucked and looking well.

What a beautiful breed, prolific maternal, dairy and ease of lambing.

Rouge cross lambs are easily finished for slaughter with last year’s lambs grading 95% E’s and 5% U’s. With a killing out percentage of 61% due to high meat to bone ratio.

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