Hello everyone
What a year it has been, with the weather dominating everything we have had it all frost rain snow and now drought! Locally a small stream running through a village is dry and the hills with thin soils on limestone started to look green are now turning brown with the lack of rain. I hope that lambing went well after the long winter which seems to have gone on for ever and now the show season kicked off with the Balmoral Show last week!
Since I last wrote it may appear that the Society has been doing nothing but to the contrary we on the council have had monthly conference calls and in late April met at Marston Mill and saw “the office” where Sue looks after the societies affairs – we were all impressed. We covered a lot of ground from budgeting for this year (it appears at present to be better than in recent years) and looking into the future to increasing revenue (so we can improve breed promotion)
At the last AGM, our Society President, David Jane suggested raising membership fees which haven’t changed since the society was formed 23 years ago along with registration fees and deadlines. The up side is that you as members will see improved service and benefits from the Society, let’s see lots of you at the AGM for your opinions and ideas for a good debate on issues. It is encouraging to hear that we have more new members this year. AGM details can be found else where in this issue.
There are leaflets now printed for promoting the breed which are re-designed from last year with space to put your own details in or to staple your card. A leaflet will be sent to you but don’t be afraid to ask Sue for more if you need them to place at shows, auctions etc.
Wishing you all the very best for the show season,